Scientific question : how does being XY chromosomes affect MtF hrt? If it does at all.

Yes but it will never be to the extent of a cis female. I am trans fyi.

Also the study also notes "Particularly intriguing is the finding that sex differences in the size and other traits of mammalian embryos exist well before the differentiation of the gonads, even before implantation of the embryo. In bovine blastocysts, nearly a third of all genes measured show sex differences in the level of expression, which probably is the result of the higher expression of X genes in females (Bermejo-Alvarez et al., 2010). The generally higher expression of X genes in females than males is probably due the incomplete inactivation of one X chromosome each XX cell of the inner cell mass (the precursor of the embryo proper), so the X genes as a group show higher expression in females (mostly Class II effects, figure 1). In turn, the sex difference in expression of X genes causes sex differences in expression in some autosomal genes. "

You can't argue that. It's not what we want to hear but it's the truth.

/r/MtF Thread Parent