In Search Of (ISO) Thread Version 7

Age and Gender:

24, Male, 6'4 Location, and are you willing to relocate for a prospect? Greater Toronto Area, Ontario - Going to require an angel who will follow me along to where life takes me. Marital Status - Single/Divorced/Children Single, Never married. Ideal marriage timeline As has been the case since I was a teenager....1-2 years In Sha Allah. Age Range that you would want/require in a prospect 19-22 Five important characteristics you look for in a prospect 1. ⁠Deen is their filter for life, and they strive to be a better Muslim. 2. ⁠Selfless, caring deeply about the happiness and well-being of those around them. I also really admire those who volunteer their time towards helping others. 3. ⁠Optimistic, "benefit of the doubt" natured. 4. ⁠Fun-loving, can laugh at themselves and at life in general, open to experience and trying new things. Someone into sports or fitness is a huge bonus. 5. ⁠A thinker, can have an engaging back and forth about anything. Basically I need someone who will entertain my random 3am thoughts. State/specify your level of religiosity Islam is at the forefront of my life (I'm a Sunni Muslim). It's my filter for even trivial decisions in life, and I strive to be a better Muslim. In terms of tangibles: I pray, I read Quran, and I fast in Ramadan. I only eat halal, have never drank alcohol or smoked, and I avoid listening to music. Level of education, and what are you looking for? I've completed a bachelor in biomedical sciences, and am currently in my 3rd year of an Ontario medical school Alhumdulilahhh. Not too worried about a potential's level of education as long as they’ve got a wisdom about them. Current Job Status N/A, but give me ~1 year iA. Ethnicity, and are you more open to mixing? Pakistani (from Karachi), prefer someone who speaks urdu. Do you want kids? Yesssssss iA List 3 hobbies, or things you like to do in your spare time 1. ⁠Playing/watching sports - especially hockey, basketball, and combat sports. 2. ⁠Outdoor adventures - Hiking, water sports, watching the sunset/sunrise etc. 3. ⁠Unnecessarily philosophical conversations with friends/family. Add something short and interesting about you that makes you stand out! -I am exceptional with children. -I spent a healthy part of the pandemic looking for a secret spot with a view of the sunrise or sunset to go to with my future wife (THIS COULD BE YOU!). -I do magic tricks (don’t worry, no black magic). -I make a killer cheese omelette. -I like the occasionally prank (no one is safe).

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