Why second chance perks piss killers off so much

I agree, most people who don't run spine chill dont have room. spine chill immersive players usually don't do much, and good killers can scope out blendettes. To be fair, i don't use spine chill to hide, but to make sure I don't start chase injured. I don't lack awareness, but most gens are in troubling areas with no way to see the killer creeping on you until they're in your face. Chase began injured- 2 hits in a 10 second chase.

DS- way too many people miss DS. A lot of killers force it out early as well.

Dead hard isn't even that good. The inconsistencies using it, on top of every killer that can counter dead hard. Plus any exposed status effect killer perk. Dead hard can become useless in certain matches. I often hear my teammates complain a lot more about dead hard, then other way around. At least on console it's inconsistent most of the times.

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