That doesn’t say a lot I’ll lay it out

Sekiro underperforms in almost everything that isn’t combat

It’s stealth is very easy and unimaginative I was astonished why they even put it in the game so barebones they should’ve left it out

One problem I have with the combat is that enemies have what I like to call a self destruct button far too often

And it’s so easy to find out what it is because the game marks a big red X on what every enemies weakness is.

Also the revive mechanic was so gimmicky and I though it would be a cool way to reimagine Combat but all it was, was a plain revive.

The story I thought it was really regurgitated concepts Miyazaki had already covered in part souls games and bloodborne.

I can’t say there were any memorable characters apart from lord ishiin.

The map design it was nowhere near as good as from software usually does it and that could be attributed to its parkour system which was also very plain.

The maps chalked up to just nice vistas in the end not obstacles or mazes.

The skill tree was also very poorly done as majority of the skills were quite useless in most scenarios and have little to no purpose over the obvious superior skills.

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