Vatican Uses Donations for the Poor to Plug Its Budget Deficit

Please, elaborate how any of this discussion has somehow touched on race. I'd love to know.

The reason I was pestering you was because you made a claim without any proof and then went on for multiple messages without providing any sources to backup that claim. Now, that doesn't answer my original request to show me a tax plan by a progressive that will double taxes (hint, there isn't one), but hey let's move onto the article you cherry picked after finally researching.

I'm familiar with the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. They're fiscal hawks who routinely cry that the world is ending at the sight of any government spending. Your article from that rag the Federalist cherry picks only small sections of a larger paper that not only admits that these are rough estimates at best, but also acknowledges that it fails to account for any positive effects of Medicare for All in economic projections. Heck this study isn't even a study but rather a list of primary projections. They even admit that they aren't sure what the definition of Medicare for All is at the beginning of the study. All of its projections that the Federalist cites are the most extreme of cases.

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