Why is self exclusion from the duel arena not a thing yet?

I guess I get it to a point... my thoughts tho are for people to get help they have to first identify that they have a problem so the issue I have with this idea is that it doesnt quite capture everyone that may be affected (gamblers that don't admit they have a problem) I could support this opt in idea but jagex would have to make it IP based like what happens to players who get IP banned but that doesnt always help... I guess the concern is there will almost always be a work around and there's also no real way of helping those who dont admit they have a problem yet. The only solution is a blanket restriction (which is, imo, unfair to the rest of the population) or taking away the ability of buying bonds to then sell for gp with real money which (for those who struggle or want a quick few mil) is unfair to the rest of the population. The real issue is 3rd party gp rwt sites. But those are already against the rules so players are breaking rules to then break rules. I guess I just dont understand how these issues can be addressed in a way that doesnt completely take out the duel arena

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