What crazy ass story do you need to tell?

Probably a little late to the party, and this may sound familiar if you read the R/TEFL subreddit, but I'm (the 20s/F) traveling alone and living in Asia. I was spending a week in Vientiane, Laos, and found a great little bar to hang out in after dinner. I got chatting with this mid-40s early 50s Scot who was also a teacher. We had a perfectly casual conversation that is very typical for solo travelers (where are you from, how long are you traveling, what do you do for work, where have you been, etc).

As the bar was closing, the manager said there was live music the following night and invited us to stop by. I vaguely responded as I don't like to have a routine when traveling alone.

I end up deciding to go, and as luck would have it, the only open seat was next to the guy from the night before. Again, we chat and mostly focus the conversation on the struggles and frustrations of teaching in Asia. After a few hours, I decide to leave, and he asks for my email to send me some teaching materials we talked about. I oblige and give him my tertiary email address, just in case.

All is normal until a few days later. He starts sending me 5-6 emails a day telling me that I am scum, a whore, a murderer, and a sex trafficker. He blames me for the sex trade and gangs in Thailand and tells me that my sins will no longer be forgiven.

I don't recognize the name at first and respond with confusion and assurance that he is wrong and asking who he thought I was. This only infuriated him further.

The emails pick up calling me every horrible thing you could imagine. He said he was willing to take lives, including his own, to right the wrongs I have committed and that I will bleed for my sins soon enough.

He then switches to detailing an intense chase of the Thai mafia across Bangkok which ends with them staging his own suicide as a red herring to throw the police off of their trail. It was intense and insane.

I hadn't responded for two months, and the emails continued. All verbose and mostly coherent, but with the tone of an edgy 14-year old that discovered a thesaurus. He threatens my life one last time, and then hasn't emailed me since.

What worries me most is that he is around children and have no idea where he is or how to report him. I hope he gets the mental help he needs.

/r/AskReddit Thread