
Hey man. I'd love to hear your stories about backpacking. Seriously PM me. I have almost died in situations too and felt like I had no one to talk about it with. But you'd be surprised. Also you should know you are not alone in feeling like this. I resonate with your post 100% so please do not delete this, at least for everyone else that feels the same way. The world can be a real shithole sometimes and people can often seem fake. But like wassuphaters777 wrote (lol I don't know how to tag users on here), the trick to enjoying life if you feel like you hate yourself is to find something greater that you like.

It might sound stupid but a couple of years back I just really fucking hated myself and hated everything around me. And then I looked outside and realized just how much I loved trees. Honestly my family at the time was driving back from Boston and we were on some major highway and I looked out the back window and BOOM there were all these trees. All in different forms, colours and sizes. And suddenly the world didn't seem so bad because I saw all these trees and I thought 'what the fuck, no one judges trees, we just let them be for what they are'. I still have days if not serious periods of hating myself secretly and I don't think it will ever go away just because of my perfectionist nature. But now whenever I find myself in this loophole of hate I try to take a step back and focus on my surroundings. No lies I have been made fun of just how much I like trees (in a loving way I suppose). And to be frank it doesn't bother me because I know no one will understand the significance of it like I do but that is ok. OP I guess what I am saying is that what you are feeling is normal.

Sometimes it seems that everyone out there is fake but in reality I think we just have way too high expectations from life because we see what can be and then have to deal with what actually is whereas most people just live life with what happens. I dunno. It's what I tell myself. I wish I didn't think like this but I do. I have slowly started to see the benefits of my way of perceiving the world but it seems like everytime I begin to appreciate it, the world just slaps me in the face. If that makes any sense. If someone is really giving me a fake vibe, I let them go. Better to be alone than to be surrounded by a bunch of fake people. But then it sucks when it seems like everyone around you is fake because it makes you feel just downright lonely. So then I try to focus on other things that I like about this planet and hope that it gets me out of the self-hatred loop long enough to start believing in people again.

Hah i hope some of this helped.

/r/infj Thread