Senate bill calls for women to register for draft in 2018

Flying fucks are discrete and indistinguishable bosons. You cannot split a flying fuck into something smaller, because then you could always care less by splitting a flying fuck into smaller pieces. Why don't you give one quarter of one flying fuck? Is it because you care? No, it isn't. It is because you cannot give less than one flying fuck.
In fact, you can only have, strictly, one flying fuck, not two, not twenty, not one-half. A C=[0] Careltonian in your careing vector space permits one n=0 flying fuck. Further, because flying fucks are bosons occupying this (oddly non-trivial) Careltonian within which the potentials which make someone give a shit aren't allowed, this implies that if you and your friends all get together, each with their own flying fuck to give (due to the non-overlapping vector space of your own caring in which your own Careltonian is defined, where your individual flying fuck can always be distinguished), the real-space overlap of the indistinguishable bosons results in a consensation (in real space) of the flying fucks into a flying-fuck condensate, normalized to one, which you may all collectively not give. So, we see that even bringing multiple people together, each with their own flying fuck to not give, cannot give us more than one flying fuck due to the flying fucks always being n=0 bosons. What about zero? If you do find yourself caring, then "suddenly" your flying fuck self-annihilates due to the modified Hamiltonian; obviously, the flying fuck giving a flying fuck to interact with itself isn't an option, so it annihilates with no consequence to anything else whatsoever. So, you cannot even have zero flying fucks, because they are only defined in a non-caring vector space. Anyway, I hope you understand where you went wrong, and you really need to think about this before you embarass yourself by trying to give anything except a single flying fuck.

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