[Serious] Why did you last cry?

You know what really simple thing really helped me stop getting down about BPD? I stopped reading about it on the internet as much as I could. Not just people writing ABOUT people with borderline (which is almost always awful), but people with borderline posting about it. At first I liked reading it because it was so fascinating reading about all these people who did things and felt things that I felt when I'd never known anyone else like me. But. There's not an awful lot of positivity I've noticed. I never really see people posting about how well they're doing. If I spend too long reading the negative stuff, I get really freaked out and disheartened and start thinking all that normal stuff like I'm an unloveable monster and I'll never get better and I'm going to die alone etc. So instead I try to just focus on myself and my own story. We're all individuals and this is going to play out differently for all of us and people DO go on to live functional lives with BPD these days. Hopefully you'll be one of them :)

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