[Serious] Why don't we just focus on getting Congress to quickly pass a law which states the Internet is a public utility and go around the FCC? If this is feasible, which Congress members would be best to approach for this?

Until conservatives actually see that they are supporting an organization that chooses to hurt them(they don’t even make a “for” argument anymore) it will not matter. Evidence and facts are now the enemy which makes it very hard to convince them otherwise. A democratic congress would not allow this and that can be proven by the votes, but it does not matter. We now live in a world where tax dodging billionaires, Russian spies, actual nazis, obstructionists, and real life statutory rapists are all somehow better than a democrat even though the democrat wouldn’t do the same thing. The budget works here too. They haven’t even tried to convince us that it’s meant for us. Yet they have spent years getting their voters amped up for tax cuts. What do the gop do? Give tax cuts to the rich. No one wanted that except the rich, yet they did it anyway. They either have to realize there are good reasons to vote democrat, or punish the representatives that make these votes, but the fear of the democrat is strong.

/r/AskReddit Thread