[Serious] Friends of sociopaths/psychopaths, what was your most uncomfortable moment with them?

This will be buried, but oh boy did I know one. We became friends through a mutual buddy and I’m ashamed to admit it took years before I realized he was a textbook sociopath. I could tell story after story about him but I’ll stick to the most pertinent details. He would get VERY upset if you didn’t want to hang out and could be relentlessly mean to his girlfriend and friends when we defied his interests. He never had a problem with cheating on his S.O. though, even when she was pregnant with their son. The complicated part was that he could be the most charming, considerate, empathetic, and generous person when he was in a good mood. He used these altruistic moments to manipulate people into getting his way, he also had a lot of money. After falling into his trap a few times I’d eventually moved away and cut all ties as best I could. I’d already changed my number once but would still receive dozens of messages and calls daily, for months after cutting ties.

A few years ago, a story popped up on our local news, he’d gotten insanely drunk and passed out in his truck with his five year old son. His little boy walked halfway across a mile long bridge over a nearby lake, IN FEBRUARY before a sheriff picked him up. He was charged with a DUI and child endangerment. After that he really flew off the rails, I looked at a local police report because I was curious. He had raped a mutual friend of ours and broke a beer bottle inside of her afterwards. When confronted by the police he resisted and fought the officers that eventually apprehended him. I’m ashamed beyond words that I was a friend of his and I hope he rots.

/r/AskReddit Thread