[Serious] Hey Reddit, How do you deal with your Mom dying?

I'm late to this and I'm certain it will be unseen but I feel the need to share my point of view.

I lost my father in 2011 after years of struggling with heart problems. In short, he was tired of being sick and wanted to die. I understood, the best I can anyway. My father was a strong man all of his life, and now being completely dependent upon another human for even the simplest of tasks had taken its tole emotionally on him.

One of the hardest things you will ever experience is having a question, or wanting to know something about anything really, you know your parent would know and not being able to ask them. It is hands down one of the most isolating and lonely feelings I still struggle with to this day.

I was watching a movie the other day named Wind River and there is a quote from the film that had to of been written by someone that has experienced the loss of a parent/child.

"I got good news and bad news. Bad news is you'll never be the same. You'll never be whole. Ever. What was taken from you can't be replaced. You're daughter's gone. Now the good news, as soon as you accept that, as soon as you let yourself suffer, allow yourself to grieve, You'll be able to visit her in your mind, and remember all the joy she gave you. All the love she knew. Right now, you don't even have that, do you?" He said, "that's what not accepting this will rob from you". If you shy from the pain of it, then you rob yourself of every memory of her, my friend. Every one. From her first step to her last smile. You'll kill 'em all. Take the pain, Take the pain, Martin. It's the only way to keep her with you."

/r/AskReddit Thread