[Serious]How did you meet your SO?

Through a friend who was a musician who was trying to get steady gig at a semi popular bar. The owner told him if he could get 50 + people through the door when he played, he would have a guaranteed Saturday night slot.

So my friend contacted everyone he knew, organised a bus to leave from his place and got everyone to meet there.

And that's where I met him. I thought he was far too out of my league so didn't bother to flirt or even talk to him. We all got on the bus, got to the bar and once my friends band has finished playing, people started leaving, I decided to stay with the band and catch a ride back to his place and crash, walk home in the morning.

About 1am we get back to my mates place, he'd invited people from the bar to come back also, and the way out of my league guy turned up. Drinks were had, and a lot of singing until I decided that at 5am it was light enough for me to walk home.

Out of my league guy said he'd walk with me as his place was just round the corner from mine.

About 5 minutes into our walk, it started bucketing down with rain and we got completely drenched, wind was so strong my skirt was flapping about my head despite my best efforts. We got to the corner where we would part our separate ways - keeping in mind that we hadn't said a word to each other the whole way home due to the storm we were in. He turned and asked for my number.

The storm was so loud, I had to scream the digits as he tried to shield his phone from the torrent of rain with his hoodie.

I got home and jumped in the shower with the biggest grin on my face that didn't go away for hours.

Five years later, we're still together. I asked him once why he asked for my number even though we hadn't talked at all that night.

'Well you wearing a low cut top, which was wet and clinging, and you had made a joke about nazi Germany.'

/r/AskReddit Thread