Serious: how do I get people to stop calling me gay or to challenge it?

  1. Not sure what there is relatable. In this post for most people.

  2. I'm not unkind, people in this thread and my last threat are making jokes put of me before I replied. Why would I want to suck dick or wear hate symbols that hurt other people? My angry responses to them are wrong? I came here to get help not get that on. I'm open to any type of help and the first person who replied said I was closed to help, how stupid is that! Not sure what I have to be grateful for or kind in my post, I get bullied by people all the time because of the way I look (or so I think).

  3. I am friendly, I am polite, I am kind to everyone. My main role is customer service. I bend over backwards to make people's day. I act as security very little in this place. I'm autistic and I've always wondered whether I'm visible autistic because this kind of bullying and are you gay started in school. But stopped for 10 years. Now I'm an adult.

  4. No one said quick fix but you. I don't care what the solution takes. Don't put words in my mouth.

  5. Yes I'm here to discuss changes that's the point of this thread. When I said I don't want to change the way I look but myself, that's what I meant.

  6. I'm not collecting anyone with an agenda. Lots of people have said I look like George Michael and then today I was severely harassed by a group of people for looking gay. Stop adding meaning to my words.

I would like to point out you called me judgemental but you've been very judgemental and you were wrong mostly.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread Parent