[Serious] How would one go about convincing another, about the validity of science?

Okay, so be more specific, why do you believe that the best way to combat extremism is to intervene and train their military to combat extremist ideals? it's been proven that what usually happens is that the native peoples can't fight the extremists, no matter how much help we give them, yeah sure, I need to work on my tact. But seriously, you can't say "The obvious answer there is propaganda." like it's just a simple problem that can be fixed with such patently "obvious" solutions.

Did I ever specify that YOU PERSONALLY are a bible-thumping, fox news watching, hyper-nationalist maniac? maybe that you watch fox news, but, DO YOU?? i only say that because people who believe the things you're saying are the type of people that watch fox news. maybe you get your news from somewhere else, but you are obviously culturally conservative. Sure, it was a strawman, and it was wrong, and THERE, YOU WIN THAT POINT, but seriously, WHY do you believe that we have the RIGHT (yet claim "There is no real discernible "right" when talking about something like a political system, because perfection among humans is, at least at this junction, impossible.") TO INTERVENE in these peoples lives, AN OCEAN AWAY, all i'm asking is WHY DO YOU BELIEVE WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO INTERVENE? and remove people "via IMPRISONMENT or DEATH". WHO NAMED AMERICA JUDGE, JURY, & EXECUTIONER??? If you can say "Those people would have to be removed via imprisonment or death if they are unwilling to change and their methodology is unsupportive of ours." and then say "I never said it was right by definition. I just implied that those are the ideals that we would need to teach them of to most effectively combat any extremist sentiment." You're just hypocritical. If you said "those people MIGHT have to be removed" I might have believed you more, but IMPRISONMENT & DEATH?? REALLY? Why do you think they deserve to DIE for DISAGREEING with us?! And before you say "I never said that", that's EXACTLY what "if they are unwilling to change and their methodology is UNSUPPORTIVE OF OURS." IMPLIES! YOU DON'T HAVE TO SAY IT DIRECTLY TO MEAN IT.

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