[Serious] Men who have been falsely accused of sexual assualt, How did you cope with it?

Buckle up. So when I was a Junior in high school the school district integrated the bus system so high schoolers (hsers) and middle schoolers(mskids) rode the same bus. Since high schoolers got dropped off second we were designated the back of the bus. The mskids outnumbered us by about 10:1. So when they would come to the back and take our seats it got mildly annoying. It started out slow with us talking shit to them. Then kicking their seats ruffling their hair. Eventually we would just sit on them when they were in our seats. The sitting on became what could only be summed up as a slap fight. It sounds petty cause it was but also it kind of turned into a game. They’d come sit in our seat and we’d come up with new ways to mess with them until they evidently gave up and went to their seats.

Eventually it escalated into us proclaiming them our “bitches”. So we’d set on them. Slap them around a bit. (Never hard) and then when they leave we’d spank them. Yeah it’s childish. But is it any more childish then sports players patting their teammates butt or guys whipping each other with towels in the locker room?

So a semester of this goes by. Myself and another girl my year had sort of become the hsers ringleaders in this on going fued. And a group of about 4 boys from the mskids had become their ringleaders. One day I got on the bus late and was super annoyed about something. And one of the kids jumped in my path on my way to the back of the bus and threw something at my head. It hit me in the eye and I lost it. I legit punched him. I was older and bigger so I was absolutely in the wrong to hit him. Anyway he went down and I continued on my merry way. They told the bus driver on me and she asked me about it and naturally I lied. And she believed me over them because I was older and aside from tussling with these kids in occasion I sat in my seat and stayed quiet. The mskids typically threw stuff and screamed and shouted etc.

So long story short. Me hitting the kid and then not being believed was the last straw for them. The 4 kids went to their parents and told them that myself and the other hs girl held them down (sitting on them) and fingered their ass. Obviously that wasn’t true but we were arrested and charged. We got kicked out of school. I spent a few nights in juvie. Ultimately there was no proof and I was given the option to take a plea deal of no contest. In return I had to do a few months house arrest followed by 2 years of probation and then my record would be expunged when I turned 18. I suppose I could’ve gone to trial but o honestly just wanted it to be over. So I took the deal. Instead of getting expelled permanently I took on a few extra classes that semester and summer school and graduated early instead.

The worst of it was definitely how many friends I lost. I was let popular but I was well liked and at the time dating the captain of the cheer team. So people knew who I was. She dumped me. In our school we had over 3500 students and it was typical to bump into people in the hallways it was so crowded. There was never any fights about it it was the norm. After and during that the hallways cleared whenever I walked by. No one ever risked being bumped into by me.

/r/AskReddit Thread