[Serious] Older reddit users, did you pursue your passion or choose a job based on financial stability? Do you regret your choice?

Definitely not young (25), but feel compelled to answer anyways. I ended up in a job for financial stability.

All through high school and college I really didn't have a stable direction. I've tendency to jump from one thing to another. Went to school for aviation mechanics, but now currently work in IT. It wasn't until after I started 'adulthood' that I realized my true passion lay in science, especially in the fields of astronomy and astro physics. As childish as it may seem, I could die the happiest man in the world for the chance to be an astronaut and experience space first hand. It's a prospect that excites me like nothing else.... Unfortunately for me, I lacked the educational experience in those fields. Also due to certain learning disabilities and uninterested attitude during my school years, I'm having to relearn a lot of subjects (mainly mathematics). So as a result I sit daily at my boring and stressful job (that pays well), day dream and do my passions on the side.

If I could go back my decisions would be so much different. I'm no prodigal genius like most in astronomy/space related fields, but I feel I could have worked harder towards my passions given I had direction at the time.

So as a word of advice to those 'youngins' about to go off to school. Hold off until you truly know your passions in life, even if it takes years to discover what those are. Don't jump right into it just because it's the norm. Especially in America where most of us can barely afford to go to a higher institution once in our lives. Also don't feel the need to go college if your passion doesn't require it. Money is nice, but happiness is better, listen to the old farts in this post and follow your passions.

/r/AskReddit Thread