[Serious] People who support Donald Trump becoming president, what are you main reasons? What do you agree with him on?

So happy to see a thread about Trump that isn't full of offended liberals all dog-piling in a big social justice heap. Trump is the only candidate that has a half-decent shot at making things in America work for the average, hard working person. He wants to bring jobs back (through deal-making with companies that send jobs abroad - and with the countries that accept the jobs [by pushing for better labor standards]), focus on reclaiming lost domestic sovereignty (by sending illegal aliens back to where ever they came from - sorry that their skin happens to be a darker color!). Money in politics is a horrible problem. But Trump won't be bought. I'm a leftist (in the sense that I support gays, women's rights, etc), but let me tell you: if the United States ever has a shot at electing a president that isn't bought and paid for by corporate lobbyists, this is the time, this is the moment it can happen. As far as his comments on global warming go, I think he's obviously a lot more intelligent than to believe it's a hoax, but the far far right has a base and he has to appeal to it to win votes. The man is the solution to the problem that not only America faces, but the entire world - if you ask me. He wants to go ahead and block Muslim immigration: let me say it: FINALLY, a politician who has the balls to say what anyone with any sense realizes- Islam is not a race. Islam is a religion. Their holy book advocates bloodshed. For the record, I am an atheist-ish. I'm really more of an agonostic who can't know, for that is the nature of questions you can't disprove. Even Richard Dawkins would call himself agnostic. And he just wants to block immigration until "the west figures out why it's happening". Let them realize it's multi-faceted: the west needs to stop it's crazy mid east bombing habit (Trump was against the Iraq war, let's not forget). It's also cultural and a product of ignorance and religion. I'm not trying to force atheism on anyone, but as someone who isn't heterosexual, I can assure you that the grievances toward my people have not caused us to do any 9/11s or Paris attacks. It's the combination of both geopolitical turmoil and a religious culture that inspires extremism that needs to be tackled. Trump, while bombastic and insane in much of his rhetoric on this issue, is at least very progressive and honest. The issue needs to be illuminated and discussed, and we must not cower with liberal trembling in fear that we might look "racist" for being honest about the islamic problems this world faces. Again. I know struggle: I'm not heterosexual in a world that murders, ostracizes, and makes my people struggle - but we aren't associated with a religious following wherein our text reads "the kufar will do X so you must wage jihad against the kufar". That's Islam. Let's get honest, people. Stop the political correctness. Stop it now. Let's defeat radicalism and let's defeat ISIS. Let's pull our PC heads out of our asses and get a fucking clue.

/r/AskReddit Thread