[Serious]Reddit, how did someone show you so much kindness, you couldn't find the words to fully express your gratitude?

I was the invisible kid on the swim team who wasn't very good and I didn't receive much attention because of my horrible social skills. I was kind of like that song you have on your music playlist but skip. Yeah, I was that person that people were okay with but could find someone else better to talk to. I don't blame them, I usually got so excited someone wanted to hang with me I didn't know how to function properly. Anyways, one day the coach put me into the 500m freestyle (20 laps nonstop swimming) and I wanted to quit, run away, and be free with my plants. I talked to plants as a kid because they were always there to listen.(still do but now it's the cat) But, on the other hand I wanted to show the team and prove to myself that I could do it, and that if I couldn't finish I would die trying. Well, on the 10th lap there was a chance I would die, and on 18th lap I knew I was dying. Suddenly, as I was finishing up I heard screams and thought the worst. They sounded like mad screams. To my horror and shock my entire team was yelling... directly at me. I stopped to comprehend what was going on... Did I do something wrong? Was I too slow and they were mad at me? For god's sake did I accidentally shit in here and was too tired to realize?... In these few seconds negative thoughts filled my head but to my shock, everyone was cheering. They weren't cheering my name, but understanding that my teammates chose to support me instead of make fun of me hit me like a ton of bricks. I stopped at the wall, out of breath, exhausted, but motivated and full of happiness. When I touched that touch pad I cried like a kid would if there was no candy in the piñata. I couldn't take it so I just got out with tear water filling up my goggles (blurry vision was better than people seeing me look like i sniffed and exhaled a bunch of onions) and went home. My mom thought it was because I finished last and was embarrassed by my performance. But the truth was I have never felt any form of love or compassion given to me other than from my family members, besides someone holding the door open for me. I later learned I was disqualified for stopping at the last leg of the race. That was the first day I felt like I wasn't invisible.

/r/AskReddit Thread