[Serious] Redditors: what is one thing you want in friends and why?

They can’t be jealous. I have tons of friends who aren’t the jealous type and I get happy for them and they get happy for me. I’ve had a few “friends” that got increasingly more resentful of me over time because of my social life/relationships/work. It never turned out well, and I’ve always been the kind of person to try to make my friends, friends with each other so no one feels left out. I can tell the red flags mostly now, but people like that don’t really want friends they just want to bring other people down. Still hurts when it ends up happening though because then there’s someone who you thought cared, to find out they tell everyone when you’re out of the room how you’re “actually a bad person”. I’m lucky enough to have friends who tell me when this happens though.

/r/AskReddit Thread