[Serious]Redditors who are now married because you didn't know how to break up with your SO, how is that going for you?

This post is crazy, how exactly did Reddit know this was on my mind? I don't have an answer just another serious question.

My SO and I recently had a kid. I mean we met and then she was pretty much like I'm pregnant with your kid. It tripped me out because we had only known each other for a week when she said she was pregnant. Fast forward, now we have the most amazing little ball of joy I have ever been blessed with witnessing. The downfall is that my SO has gotten even more crazy. Admittedly, I did not think it was possible. It truly is though. She will get into these moods where she wants to hurt herself. She has cut, but what concerns me more is one time she crawled under the bed and started smacking where her head connects with her neck on the bed frame screaming about how she's trying to kill herself. Now she hasn't crawled under the bed for about two months, but she will run up to a wall and start mashing her head into it, mainly on the back of her head and the sides. Since it started she has started complaining about headaches, and even has had two nose bleeds which start randomly after she has been crying or upset. I would like to get her help but she refuses to let me take her to the Dr. What are some things I can do to get her help and still be able to have custody of my beautiful child?

/r/AskReddit Thread