[Serious] Redditors who have cut toxic parents out of your lives, what was the last straw for you?

My mom got custody of her three kids just so she could take my dad's house and money. My dad knew she couldn't really handle it, so he gave her the house and money, but refused to get any phone, so she would be completely on her own, and would have no choice but to take him back.

My mom decides she can't handle it, decides to just beat the shit out of me and my sister to get us to run away. My sister drops out of high school at age 16 and runs away, but I was much too young. So my mom finally calls the police and asks them to take me to juvenile hall to either force my dad to have to take me or just keep me there so she wouldn't have to deal with raising me. She knew the courts wouldn't take the house back after giving it to her, ostensibly to raise the kids even though the kids weren't there anymore. The police handcuff me and take me away. No charges.

The caseworker at juvenile hall sends the cops to find my dad. He doesn't come.

Once I was an adult, I asked him why he never came and he said he had hired a lawyer to get me out, but it was Saturday night and by the time the lawyer showed up on Monday, I was out.

The caseworker had told me that if I so much as spent one night in juvenile hall, I'd be raped all night and probably beaten to a pulp. Fortunately, he realized all of the above was going on between my parents even though I was too young to know any of this at the time. The caseworker told my mom he'd have her thrown in jail for abandonment for what she was doing to me, and so she picked me up the same night, so I never actually had to spend the night in juvenile hall. Later she just dumped me and my stuff at my dad's apartment. I lived on his sofa, basically not really living anywhere.

Many years later, when my dad told me he had hired a lawyer while I was in juvenile hall when all he had to do was show up and get me, I realized I had been used as a pawn, by my mom to get money out of my dad, and by my dad to try to get my mom to take him back. They saw no problems with me in juvenile hall for the weekend. They weren't at all sorry for any of it. That was my last straw.

I never spoke to either one again. If they could leave me on my own as a little kid, they could be on their own for the rest of their lives. They're now both completely broke and I went on to start several successful businesses, so the joke was on them. They ended up needing me more than I ever needed either one of them. Too bad.

/r/AskReddit Thread