[Serious] Redditors who have dated celebrities. What were they like?

Serious response: I dated a very famous porn actress for about two months. She was out with a group of friends at my local dive bar. Neither I nor anyone else at the bar knew who she was but I suppose it in most nightclub settings with people her age or porn aficionados, many would have known. We locked eyes a few times but I thought nothing of it because I'm much older than her. She stood next to me to order a drink and started making small talk. We ended up chatting then going out for breakfast. Dropped her at her resort in a shared cab with no hanky panky but after wonderful conversation as we shared world travel stories, etc over a late night meal. I never asked and she never said what she did. Shared plenty of texts the next morning and had lunch then spent the next two days together. We met several times in her state and mine over the next two months. On our last night together as we were getting ready for me to go to the airport, we had a very mature conversation about whether we should continue. She mentioned then that she was well known for being a porn actress which kind of explained why she liked keeping a low profile when we went out especially where she lived. I had suspected something along those lines given that she did quite well for her age and traveled and did enough stuff that she obviously wasn't tied down by a normal career. What she did didn't bother me in the slightest and, no, I've never seen her porn and have no idea what name she uses although she did insist on showing me her website on her phone (I briefly glanced) and explaining to me her business to some degree and where she ranked. We didn't see each other again after I left although we did chat a few times. Ultimately, I simply had an issue with the age difference and she was looking forward to kids someday and I've been done with that idea since my first and only was born 15 years ago. She was (and I'm sure still is) a tender, sweet, smart, mature and kind person. I never explored her career with her much given when I found out but she fit no stereotype of it in any stereotypical terms including in the sack. And, no, I won't be revealing who she is or the details of our relationship.

/r/AskReddit Thread