[Serious] Redditors who DON'T want to have children - why not?

Oh my gosh. The list of reasons is forever long.

I don't like infants or babies. I think they stink, they're sticky, they're messy, they're gross, they're not cute. They don't contribute anything to anyone else's existence. They literally just exist and leech. Like, that's fine if other people are okay with that but I can't stand babies.

Which leads me to pregnancy. I do not ever want to be pregnant. Big fucking NOPE. Pregnancy is awful. Even if you have an easy pregnancy, you still have to birth the thing, which everyone knows the misery of. I don't care if you enjoyed being pregnant or whatever. I do not want it.

Next, there is a pretty good chance my kid would be fucked up anyway. Family history of Polycystic Kidney Disease, and I've struggled with depression and anxiety, other family members have had other mental illnesses (including one psycho great-aunt somewhere that clawed her own eyes out). A genetic replica of me wouldn't be a good thing.

Oh, I haven't mentioned yet that they are a money pit. This is subjective, but overall, they are outrageously expensive.

Behavior wise, I'm not worried about having "bad kids". I'm a dog trainer, I study behavior science. I know how to reinforce behaviors I want and prevent and ignore behaviors I don't want. If I ever did have a kid, I can tell you with absolute certainty that they won't be that kid whining in the supermarket or pitching a fit in public.

Realistically, I may end up being a foster parent or adopting a kid that's older then 4 at some point. But it's not on my to do list and I'd be just as content with my house full of dogs who are much cheaper and ALWAYS happy to see me. :)

/r/AskReddit Thread