[Serious] Redditors who had an imaginary friend as a child, who were they, and did you really perceive them like a hallucination, or did you consciously make them up?

When I was a kid I had an imaginary friend, a girl with pretty purple hair. She just watches over me at home and at school, talking to me about what I was up to at the moment or comforting me when I'm sad... thinking about it now, I guess she felt more like an older sister figure to me. At some point I did talk to her vocally, but some people called me out for "talking to myself" but I guess being very young then I wasn't too conscious about it. But as years passed, and when I reached fifth grade I became really conscious with how I act. I controlled myself not to talk to myself, but I thought I could still talk to my imaginary friend "telepathically", meaning I talk to her with my mind, as if she's somewhere in the area I was in.

In my high school days I can say she was still in my mind. But she wasn't in my mind as much compared to when I was still a kid. I've found real-life friends during high school so I guess that was a factor. Though once in a while it's like, I dunno, it's like she just seems to pop up then I talk to her using my thoughts and she just responds and we just end up having a conversation. I usually do this when I'm by myself though, but I can recall times my parents / friends notice as if I'm staring at nothing whenever that happens. Later on it was like I realized this isn't "normal" and I wanted to just forget about my I.F. because she's not real, but for some reason, it was hard to forget her.

College came, and I had family problems. It came to the point that we had huge financial problems, I lost trust in my old "friend"s because they indirectly have a connection to my family's problems so I came to hate them (I don't want to elaborate further anymore but it's just painful) and I was abandoned by a person whom I thought I could trust more than anyone else in the world... and, well, I guess my imaginary friend and I talked more often through my thoughts. She kept me calm and composed and helped me focus in my studies. It was hard to make friends in college, but it's mostly due to not really getting to socialize much with them outside of studying (yeah, my college life was... boring and all study really. It was a bit pressuring, especially since the university I was in is quite competitive).

But then, one day, it came to the point that I don't think about her much anymore. In fact, I find it hard to "talk" to her now using my thoughts, like I kinda lost my link with her somehow or something. This happened when I had graduated and got my first job. In fact, right now, I really can't seem to talk to her anymore. But I know she existed in my mind and I can't forget how she looked like and how she seemed like just another person, but someone that other people don't see.

I'm not sure if the people who would have read this really understand what I mean, but i just want to say that, OP, I really appreciate this topic. It makes me feel less weird knowing that I was not alone in having an imaginary friend at some point in my life. Thank you...

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