[Serious] Redditors who've survived a kidnapping: What's your story?

I got kidnapped for a wilderness program the day before my 16th birthday. It was the worst night of my life. It was the last week of March and my parents said they were taking me to watch the Final Four. I went to sleep excited but was woken up at 2am by a strange man and a woman who informed me that they were taking me to Idaho and that if I fought them along the way I'd severely regret it. After being forced into a van we drove a few hours to the airport and only then did I realize my parents had hired them. I was terrified because I never misbehaved and was a B average student.

When I got there they put me with a small group of people and did some stupid orientation. The verbal abuse and sleep deprivation were terrible. The leader of our group was this crazy chick named Dee. I don't even know how they let her work with kids which made us even more terrified. We went out into the wilderness to have some stupid realization about life where we were given a pack, some food, and were forced to help plant trees to reforest and grow gardens. We had stupid goals.

One time we had to help replant some trees that were uprooted in a mudslide. We had to each carry 5 trees that weighed over 50 pounds each 2 miles to the new location before we were allowed back over the bridge to base camp. Crazy Dee would drive up and down the dirt road harassing us and telling us how we better bring her enough trees or we'd have to do it again. I finally ran out of steam bringing back my final tree at the bottom of the hill a quarter mile from base camp so I left it and went to plea my case.

Dee is waiting at the base camp bridge, sees me without my cargo and starts screaming at me to the point I'm at tears saying that my parents were right to have me kidnapped because I was worthless and couldn't even bring a simple tree to replant. After practically having a breakdown I mustered up the strength and dragged the stupid tree up the hill. I get back just as one of my friends I made in the program made it back as well. I had to listen to her sarcastically him if he had a tree for Dee before he was allowed back over the bridge to base camp. After hearing this every time we brought a tree back I lost it and went off on her. Her simple reaction was another sarcastic response of, "Tree for Dee?" followed by another slew of personal insults. I told her she's not getting any more fucking trees and she could shove that one up her ass. She told me that if I ever wanted to go home I'd need to bring her a tree fiddy. It was around this time that I realized that Dee was about 8 stories tall and a crustacean from the paleozoic era. That's when I realized that the damn Loch Ness Monster got me again and for April Fools nonetheless.

TLDR: Was told I was going to see the final four during March Madness but got kidnapped and taken to the wilderness instead.

/r/AskReddit Thread