(Serious) Religious people of Reddit. How do you keep your faith in a world with such misery?

For me it isn't exactly justification. It doesn't exactly feel like a choice? I just believe. I definitely question and interrogate my belief and I doubt a lot of my assumptions and my practice of faith, I'm Jewish so questioning is a massive part of our faith, but although I often feel angry, or confused, and although I don't have answers, I've never felt alone or as if God doesn't exist. Whereas my brother has it the other way round - once he said to me that he sometimes deeply wanted to believe in a higher power and an afterlife, to give him some hope (we were going through a difficult time) but he couldn't full stop, it wasn't a choice not to believe but his world view does not include God and just as I could not force myself to believe in something I just don't believe in, neither could he.

Essentially for me there is no struggle to 'keep' my faith. I don't know a lot of answers. I've tried to logic my way out. I do my best and I believe my religious practice is moral and how I want to live my life, but as for my underlying faith in the existence of God I don't have answers.

/r/AskReddit Thread