[Serious] Sociopaths of reddit, what made you realise that you are one? did you try to change anything?

I have a unique history of mental illness on both sides of my family. My father's side has an overwhelming amount of.. mentally delayed people. My mothers side of the family is where the variety is. My Uncle has been diagnosed with BPD (Bipolar), Attention Deficit, and Antisocial Personality Disorder. His son and my brother have been diagnosed with all 3 by unrelated doctors coincidentally. My sister is schizophrenic, suicidal, and depressive, and my other brother has bouts of depression which he "self medicates." My mother is just nuts, but from being around all my family my whole life, I would bet most anything that she has bipolar disorder as well.

So as for me... I am an incredibly withdrawn person. Not shy, but I keep things important to me to myself, in a somewhat extreme extent. In my head, opening up about your life to somebody else is equal to giving them something for free, that you can never get back.

When I was in high school, I was in all honors classes and had good grades, but didn't talk to anyone (other than the few friends I kept, who had none of the same classes as me so it was outside of school). A few teachers had asked me if I was okay because I was so emotionless in class, this got to the school counselor, who suggested seeing a shrink. She diagnosed me with depression, which I know is misdiagnosed. I'm not miserable. I am happier alone.

However, I have noticed a pattern with my social behavior. I "barter" outings with my friends in my head, and reject them whenever I can. If I WANT to do something this weekend, and my date wants me to hang out today too, I will reason that I should to make it equal, not because I want to. I keep secrets as a maintenance of the friendship, not because I care about being trustworthy. I don't go to social things by myself, not because I am shy/ afraid of being alone but because I feel like I would be failing to be normal.

TLDR: My family is crazy, I got diagnosed with depression, but I strongly believe I have sociopathic tendencies.

/r/AskReddit Thread