[Serious] Teachers of reddit, what "red flags" have you seen in your students? What happened?

This is not coming from a teacher but a student's perspective. I grew up in a wealthy neighborhood and went to a private school. Kids there had families that would value money and work over their kids, thus sociopaths were born. I was repeatedly beat up and would "tattle" on people for beating the shit out of me every day. Three kids in particular showed red flags early on.

"1 was rich, highly respected, and had girl all over him. He would often beat up people in the class and eventually along with his minions would plot an attempted murder on a 6th grade English teacher. He was expelled and has been arrested 3 times. Because the kid is rich, he never got any long term punishment and now goes to an expensive private school.

2 had a sad life. His parents were extremely "religious" and used it as a guise. His dad beat him.#2 beat the shit out of me all the time, most likely so he could do it at the time. The school wouldn't help because despite physical evidence, his parents paid the school money. #2 cried crocodile tears to the principle until she believed that he was a victim of false accusations. He only stopped when I made the best friend I have ever known lets call him "F". F was a caring kid who happened to be a nerd in interests, but could take out 3 or 4 kids at once if he had too. F eventual beat the f*ck out of the kid in my defense(I was almost 4-6 inches smaller than everyone at the time and had no chance at defense). I was never picked on by #2 again as he was afraid of F.

3 was a lot younger than me and probably the most unstable and dangerous. He was around 1st or 2nd grade and was dangerous. Parents had the school keep #3 away from their kids at all costs. He would send kids paper airplanes with death threats on them and attacked a little girl with scissors during class. I do not know what happened to him as I graduated. I will not be surprised if I see #3 on the news for murder some day.

The staff made these kids worse in general by fueling hatred. A priest at the school threatened to choke my entire class with his hands. He took 1 anger management class as punishment. A teacher would smoke in our cubbies and act like it didn't happen. Our English teacher would teach fire and brimstone to democrats, homosexuals, or anybody that was not christian during class .Punishment would never work because the parents believed they were angels(expect #3).

Because of constant bullying, beatings from peers, and staff refusing to do anything if they got money, I have severe depression, cannot trust anyone but 2 family members, and social anxiety. I have already made one attempted at suicide at the age of 17 and medicine does not seem to be working. I have not felt lasting happiness in over two years and every day I take a new hit in my personal life. I am still holding on because of my mother and that is enough to give me a glimmer of hope. So if any of you see kids that never talk to others or see kids dangerous to others, please try to do something before they ruin somebody else's lives. To all you teachers who help people like me or worse, thank you, you make a difference no matter what you think. Thank you.

/r/AskReddit Thread