[Serious] What are your pets’ adoption stories?

She lived with a family that was the hangout spot for a fairly large friend/acquantence group in my town. When the girl that owned her moved out, she left her. Nobody liked her and didn't want to take care of her, so my friend at the time took her in.

Right before I met her, my friend said, "you're going to hate this dog, she's so annoying."

I walked in and immediately fell in love with her. We formed a bond really quickly. She was kind of annoying, due to the fact that she was always licking something. Herself, a person, furniture, the air. It was all due to anxiety, though.

My friend invited me over one Valentine's day and then left me alone at her house later to go on a date. I was really sad about it but the dog kept me company and made me feel a little less lonely. I offered to take the dog once she started fighting with the other dog in the house as I was worried about her. She's on the smaller side.

Now we're best friends and I've had her for a long time. I just took her to see the beach for the first time not long ago. Her anxiety is a lot better and she's just so cool. She loves everyone and she's always ready to go anywhere and meet new people. Even people who dislike dogs fall in love with her.

She's pretty old now but still pretty spry. If it weren't for her grey hairs you wouldn't be able to tell. I'm really glad we met each other. I think she feels the same way.

/r/AskReddit Thread