[Serious] What are your daddy issues?

I have never really known my Dad, I remember distinctively spending a week with him when I was around 5/6 but ever since then I haven't seen him. I'm guessing his age when I was born factored into his involvement in my life, which is somewhat understandable as when you're around 20 (as I am now) a child would definitely put a cog in the works. If I'm being honest it isn't really something I'm bitter about, he chose to not be involved and start a new life somewhere-or-other, and there's not much he or myself can do about it now. I was raised by a wonderful Mum, Nan and Grandad, and I've never really felt a 'gap' from his lack of involvement in my life down to how well I was raised, which I'm very much thankful for.

Not sure if this answer is much of a 'daddy issue' per say, as my only real issue was the fact he wasn't there, and it's never something which as actively upset me in any way. The only thing that bugs me now is the thought of having siblings I have no clue about, it'll certainly be an interesting aspect of my life if I ever do find out if I have half brothers/sisters. Que sera sera and such.

Extra note: It also bugs me on Fathers Day when you see statuses on Facebook along the lines of 'Happy Father's Day MUM' followed by a paragraph rant of how the poster's Dad was scum. Your personal family issues are not a decent reflection of how all families operate, and there's no reason to act like all father's are terrible because yours was a total bastard. (I felt like I had to add this last part as it's a pet peeve of mine I've been wanting to vent for ages). Sorry for how long this post is, I hope at least one person can connect :)

/r/AskReddit Thread