[Serious] What is the creepiest, most unexplained thing that has ever happened to you?

Driving down the street with a buddy of mine late at night we saw a car pulled over with the passenger door wide open and the turning signal on. There was a guy on the ground outside the open door. My friend and I thought he might be hurt so we pulled over to see if we could help. I got out of the car and started walking towards the vehicle when I noticed a woman in the drivers seat clutching the steering wheel with a terrified look on her face. I started asking if everything was okay and she started to slightly shake her head and silently mouth the words "no" and "help me. That's when my friend said something along the lines of "We shouldn't be involved with this man." So I pointed to my phone and said I'll call for help. We got back in the car and started driving away. I was trying to use google maps to find out where we were as I was in an unfamiliar city and my hands were shaking too much to use my phone. My friend brought up the idea that we had quite a lot of illegal drugs in our possession and he didn't want to talk to the cops. I agreed and therefore didn't phone anybody but to be honest it was because my hands were shaking too much to use the phone. Something about the way she was being quiet really freaked me the fuck out and I'll forever wonder what was happening and feel guilty for doing something to help that terrified woman.

/r/AskReddit Thread