[Serious] What problem needs to be taken more seriously?

Mental health. People view it as some first world problem, angst, someone trying to be trendy, unique, or get attention, etc. In reality, it's a serious issue that affects many people (not just those in developed nations) and causes immense suffering.

Suicide is a leading cause of death. This doesn't even account for all of the people who attempt suicide or want to kill themselves, but do not (such as the survival instinct being too strong). The suicide rates are also rising (which is X out of Y people, so this would not be explained by population growth). The survival instinct is strong and it takes a lot for someone to be able to overcome it. It takes more suffering than many people can imagine to even attempt suicide, even those attempts that are usually not taken seriously (such as an overdose). Someone who does a suicide "gesture" as a cry for help or attention is also not mentally well.

/r/AskReddit Thread