[WP] On May 9, 1945, every animal around the world systematically began to converse with mankind. Two years ago, as inexplicably as they began, the animals stopped speaking – to humans. Now, Timothy Perish, a PhD student in theological seminary, has discovered why.

Timothy sat down beside his sister, Jasmine. They were enjoying tea together, a Saturday tradition their mother started years ago. Anita had passed away in her sleep almost three years ago. It had been a strange passing, a bit off. Timothy had been certain it wasn't quite an accident, but shortly after she died, all the animals stopped speaking.

No one could ask Whiskers why Anita didn't wake up. Was it suicide? Murder? An accidental OD?

Jasmine, now 18, had taken in the wily cat, never resenting his silence. She never seemed to question why the animals stopped talking. It didn't bother her. She just said they must have a reason.

'Maybe we just aren't listening well enough.'

Timothy understood it. The world was still fucked. Humans had done a terrible job protecting the world they were in. His field of study, theological debate and reasoning, had done even more to show him the honesty in Jasmine's statement. The Garden of Eden, the talking ass, God, angels. It all led to a deep fear inside most of the religious community. The animals went silent for a reason. But was it good? Bad? And for whom?

Jasmine had never been interested in Tim's 'little book club.' She had been pagan since she was seven. She believed in some weird combination of Shinto and Wicca, claiming the universe was speaking to us. She took her dog, Bill, everywhere with her.

And she still spoke with her pets like they could speak back. Maybe they could. But Jasmine would continue to make conversation with Bill, even if he didn't reply back in obvious ways. Jasmine claimed they still talked, we just thought we deserved them speaking our language. "And look how well it went. We have so much harm in this world."

Tim said he needed to use the bathroom, setting his tea down on the table. He went into the bathroom and felt like he was going to cry. Everything was wrong. Only Jasmine seemed happy. Only Jasmine seemed to take the world in stride. He didn't understand why.

When he left the bathroom, he said he was going to take a nap. Jasmine never seemed to mind. When the darkness came to claim him, he didn't question the voices talking in the other room. It must be the TV.

When he woke, there was still the same hush of talk. It sounded, at first, like Jasmine was on the phone. Then two other voices replied to her.

"...he is still asleep. I want to tell him."

"There is no use. If he hasn't heard us by now then he never will. Your magic tea or not..."

"Then what? I just leave him to die?"

"No. You leave him to let the world decide. We have to leave soon. And we are sorry if it hurts. But the goddess is not going to just take anyone..."

/r/WritingPrompts Thread