[Serious] What’s the scariest photo you’ve ever come across on the Internet? (Links appreciated)

CPD is technically supposed to have fire extinguishers in the trunks of their vehicles along with Epi pens and some other medications for emergency use however ours had none of that as we were in some evidence techs vehicle that day.

CPD has a notoriously awful response time, normally it can take up to an hour, at minimum, to respond to an incident. The vehicle we were in had our vests and rifles and Crime Scene Evidence collection stuff in the trunk but apart from the medical kits we had in our go-bags we didn't have any of the extra city of Chicago mandated stuff, mainly because they couldn't afford to put it in every vehicle, neither of us were even Evidence collection guys but we had a bunch of cars down during that summer because they didn't have air conditioning so we just grabbed whatever was available.

All of the mandated stuff should have been in a black bag with a paramedic logo on it but it wasn't in the trunk, I always come back to the fact that somebody must have taken it out of the back and put it in a squad car because who would take an evidence collection vehicle out on patrol, it didn't have have the cage separating the rear and front seats so it was useless for transporting suspects...

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