[Serious]What is the scariest encounter with a person you ever had?

Oh, touché!!

Not really though. I have a concealed carry permit, and the one simple trick to all that is... YOU DON'T PULL IT OUT TO MURDER INNOCENT PEOPLE. It's really funny how people seem to forget that a POS decided to use his firearm for evil and murdered people with it. But let's blame the permit, the people who issued the permit, the people who sold the fire arm...lets blame all the people who did their jobs properly and to the letter of the law.

Let's absolutely NOT blame the individual(s) who exploited all that and then decided to break the law by opening fire on innocent officers and civilians. Don't blame the evil plan he had and carried out, but blame the people who did their jobs the right way, who failed to ask, "hey bud, you aren't going to go out and shoot at innocent people, right? Not gonna shoot at 12 cops and kill 5 of them right? Just making sure, bud. Otherwise, all's good, enjoy!"

And those are my extended law enforcement family too, so don't think that shit didn't devastate and anger me. But I'm not taking my gun out in my anger and shooting anyone who talks shit about LEO. THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE between me (and other law abiding firearms owners) and the scumbags who go out and plan to hurt and kill.

Bring on the down votes, Reddit. I know how the hive mind works. My points are salient, though. Just remember that when you hit that down arrow.

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