[SERIOUS] What is something you were surprised to find while going through a person's belongings after they passed away?

My grandmother on my mom's side passed away last October. She was a good woman to me, I'll never not have cold pulled turkey or chicken, Morning toast or sliced (SKINS OFF!!!) Apples and not think of her.

We were so close when I was a child and I visited too sparsely as a teenager. I hope I made up for it when she entered a nursing home. She was at that point, very much in late stage dementia but one of the last conversations we had was, well, as she struggled to remember me I told her about her toast and her apples. And she reminisced" I always made good toast and snacks didn't I??" And I told her that she did. The best.

Anyway I lost track of what I meant to really say. might as well post it all the same. Her snacks really were the best though.

/r/AskReddit Thread