[Serious]Whats the worst thing you've done at work, and may, or may not have got away with?

Not that huge of a deal, but I had to run a cable down 2-3 floors through this vent shaft. I didn't have access to the bottom of the vent shaft and the people with the keys were being dicks. So I grabbed some rope, gloves, helmet and a head lamp and tied the rope off around a steel beam at the top of the vent shaft and fast roped down and opened the door from the inside.

Kind of boring but I'm sure if the guy in charge of me knew I did that then he would have gotten upset.

That happened during a deployment and another thing that happened that apparently was a huge deal was when I was given a ride from one base to another and the people giving me a ride just dropped me off outside the base in the main city of Afghanistan.

I had just got done wiring some stuff for them and I wasn't even supposed to be at the base they were at. I was just trying to get back to the base I was supposed to be at so I base-hopped there. After I'm done I told them how it would suck for me to stay at their base since I was already at the end of a trip so I was filthy and they tell me "hey we can give you a ride to that base since it's on our way but we have to do it fast." I agree and as we load up I'm told to 'go red' which is just putting a round in the chamber. Uncommon for passengers to do that are not part of the team. Anyway, we're about 2 blocks away and the guy riding shotgun looks back at me and tells me "hey, uhhh, we dont have time to drop you off inside, so what we're going to do is swing by the gate and let you out there."

Now this is in the capital city of Afghanistan, at 1900 (or 7pm) which is around when the 'bad guys' were, at the time, ready to play. (They change it up from time to time) We're getting close to the entry control point and they suddenly speed up and swerve to a stop in front of the ECP and they just say "alright get out" so I'm kind of nervous, I'm commo so I wasn't used to stepping out of a vehicle and already seeing a crowd of about 20 or so local nationals stopped dead in their tracks just staring at me giving me the stink eye. My bag was still in the back of the vehicle and the driver hopped out to help me out but the back door was locked, he calmy walked back to the driver's seat and pulled the unlock hatch, nothing. So he needed the key in the ignition to unlock the back door. Now I get even more nervous because he starts to looks nervous and walks very fast to the back door, fumbles with the keys, opens the door, grabs my bag and turns me around to put the bag on me. Once my bag is on he just says "Okay, go!" and pushes me towards the ECP. Traffic was stopped by the way, so now people are standing outside their cars glaring at us and there's now over 50 guys gathered around. The Afghan guards at the ECP are nervous now and they grab me and shove me bast the barriers and inside the outer wall. Right as I'm in I hear tires screech and the drive team was gone.

The Afghan guards just let me walk through the security and past the inner wall and there's a Corporal standing with his back towards me. I get out my ID card and I ask "am I supposed to show this to you?" He jumps around to face me, startled and says "Where'd you come from?" and I tell him I just walked in through the ECP and that a drive team just dropped me off. His response was kind of funny, he just said "They did what!? Dude! They're not supposed to do that!" I'm kind of really tired since I'm at the end of a 30 hour day so I ask him if I can go now and he hesitates while he tries to radio his supervisor and eventually lets me head off.

Two days later I'm going somewhere via drive team again and during the safety briefing the guy giving the brief says "Oh yeah, apparently some jackass decided to drop someone off outside the ECP so we have to make sure you guys know not to do that."

I told my supervisor what happened and he was pissed off and apparently the Command Sergeant Major on the base found out I was the one dropped off and had me come to his office. He just wanted to ask me if I knew what drive team and told me he was mad at me, he was mad at the drive to and told me never to let someone do that to me since he said there were dozens of assholes just waiting outside our base for an opportunity like that to strike.

I guess it wasn't a thing I did, but I was part of it.


Dropped off outside of a base in 'hostile territory" in the capital city of Afghanistan. Wasn't supposed to do that. Upset a lot of people.

/r/AskReddit Thread