[Serious] Who did you trust completely only to have them betray you?

My old boss. I loved my job but it paid next to nothing. I was one of the best employees on the team across all the locations after like 3 months of working there. I can say that with confidence after hearing from every single fucking higher up how much of a blessing I was. And my boss and I were good buddies. He kept telling me he was going to get me a promotion and I thought he really had my back. I even went to him first when my ex hit me, because he was someone who I felt safe. I confided in him that the job wasn't supporting me and I was about to become homeless, and he teared up. He promised me a raise, promised he would get it for me. My employee review came and went and I knew he had gotten approval for a raise and a promotion for me and he was such a damn lazy stoner asshole he just kept forgetting to do the review with me. He never had time, or he left the paperwork at home or whatever, he never got it while I was living in a stranger's trailer park, barely able to pay for enough food to keep me full. And he knew what was happening in my personal life. That I was about to fucking snap from stress, and I did everything for him. I even went to him and my assistant manager's house and helped them with work off the clock outside of work when I was the lowest employee on the chain!! They needed me, because he was such a computer illiterate shit head, ffs I fixed his computer crap every god damn day. GOD DAMMIT typing this makes me so fucking angry all over again! It was coming up to almost my second review and I still hand't gotten my first and I was so fucking furious I just Snapped and screamed in his office and left work. I know it was wrong, I still feel bad abut getting so emotional, but holy fucking shit. Here I was, one of the best god damn employees on the team, homeless and traumatized from recent events and my fucking boss was too god damn lazy to get me the raise i needed and deserved!!!!!! I lasted like less than half a week there after that. Our relationship changed completely and he just became cold and bitter towards me. In some ways I don't blame him, but in some ways I hope he knows how far he fucking pushed me. Things became really hostile, the CEO got involved because it was a smaller company and I was so pissed off and I just quit. I didn't even give my two weeks. Maybe it was a dick move, but I just didn't even care at that point. God dammit, KG, you dick head. He's not a bad person, I genuinely believe he has a good heart and was just a god damn space case, but it effected my entire life! It really took a toll on me and he was too self absorbed to care other than offer empathy. I needed cash you fuck tard.

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