[Serious] Who was the worst coworker you've ever had and why?

I worked in a grooming salon for a while. This coworker of mine told me that this one dog I had on the books was really good and that I would love him. Well, he ended up being insane. He hated everything about the experience but particularly being dried.. Which is incredibly annoying considering he's a Great Pyrenees mix. When I tried to dry him he went batshit: trying to pull the leash off the floor, choking himself, the whole nine yards. I cut off the dryer and tried to calm him but he wouldn't settle down. At one point I yelled, "No!" Not in anger, but out of fear because I thought he had hurt himself (luckily, he was fine, just high strung with a lot of anxiety). When he calmed down, I talked to him and put him in his kennel to rest. He really was a vet nice dog, just horrible about being groomed.

When I came out of the bathing area, I have the girl that told me he was good a look that said, "Really?" I'm very sarcastic and I meant it as a friendly jab. I had been there a year by this time, so she knew I didn't mean it. But she flipped her lid (I'll never understand why) and raised her voice saying, "I don't know what the fuck your problem is but he's good." I was taken back and just said, "Um. Well, he wasn't, but okay?"

Later I get called into my manager's office because the girl had gone off and told him that I had been beating the dog and screaming at him... Luckily, he knew she was a weird, vindictive bitch and just told me to steer clear. This wasn't the first time she had done something like that. Well, I eventually got the fuck out of there (it was a toxic environment; very catty and competitive), but I hear she's made her way to a management position. I fear for the poor fools that have to work under someone like that.

/r/AskReddit Thread