[Serious] Who was the worst person you've ever smoked with and what did they do to deserve that title?

Years ago when I was a freshman in high school there was a friend and smoking buddy of mine named Joel, and another who was more of a childhood friend, Nate. My friend Nate is somewhere on the autism spectrum though not so obvious that people thought he was anything other than "weird". I wasn't there for this but it's been described in detail to me many times.

One day Joel had Nate over to his shared apartment (parents out of the picture, lived alone with his 20 something step-bro) to introduce him to trees, which he had been eager to try. Joel had several older friends over who were well known douchebags who enjoyed fucking with people all the time. They load up a bowl in a bong/gas mask combo and Nate gets completely obliterated. They're hanging around the couch when Joel's friends decide to pull a prank on Nate which consists of Joel telling Nate, "I'll be right back, gotta get something" and running upstairs, where he would then climb down out the second story window only to burst back in the front door. When he comes back inside he looks at Nate and says flatly, "Be right back, gotta get something" and runs back upstairs. He repeats this several times when Nate starts to get visibly panicked and raving about how he's stuck in a loop. Everyone denies it and says Joel just went upstairs and will be right back. They continue to do this until he is standing up shouting and having a full on panic attack. If they had stopped the prank there I'd say it was a good one.

Instead, they look at each other, look at him, look back at each other and say, "He's ready". Two of the bigger guys pin Nate down to the couch and pull his feet behind his head so that he's ass-up. Joel leaves to get something one more time but this time he comes back down the stairs holding a thick 12" black dildo. He held it over his crotch aiming it at Nate's ass, while the others told Nate things like, "Don't worry it only hurts for a second" and "We all went through this too, you'll be one of us soon". He was fighting as hard as possible to break free and screaming for help, he barely knew Joel and was being pinned down and humiliated by 4 other strangers. They didn't remove his pants but Joel did barrel into his ass with the dildo and shove it in his face while the others laughed in hysterics. They stopped there and told him it was all "a joke", and since Nate was so eager for acceptance, afraid of more, and overall socially inept, he decided to act like it was okay a few minutes later.

While not violent, it is imo a horrible thing to do to someone, especially someone with a mental handicap and self esteem issues while completely ripped their first time smoking. I still know them both, and I've never quite looked at Joel the same way since.

/r/trees Thread