[Serious] Why would you (or not) vote for Mark Zuckerberg for President?

As a basically apolitical nonvoter who works for the government, I think it can't hurt to have a successful businessman in office.

Unbelievable amounts of money is wasted by government agencies following our own bizarrely inefficient policies. Since people have to pay taxes, we can rely on steady funding. A business can't. They can't force people to give them money, and they actually have to make more money than they spend or they're screwed.

A good businessman will likely be just as bad as a politician at social issues, foreign affairs, the justice system, and pretty much everything except making more laws. However, the businessman knows how to be logistically efficient, so he has something going for him, unlike any politician I have ever met. I think the slightest increase in efficiency is infinitely more important than making up more rules.

But then, I've never cared about any of this enough to register to vote, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. I'm also benefitting from Uncle Sam's waste, so that may have something to do with it too.

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