You seriously need a gadget to tell you how and when to breath, drink water and meditate?

Run not because you want to share your achievements with friends.. but because it's a joyful thing to do.

Run not just because it's a joyful thing to do (the whole point of becoming un-lazy) but because it's good for you. Not everyone's as blessed as you, with your perspective of exercise; it may become joyful for people later, but I don't judge if they need/want tracking to make things more systematic and clear.

What feels good? How can you break that limit?

The whole point is that many peoples' bodies and nervous systems can't be perfectly relied on. How quickly should we increase things? How gradually? How much is gradual? These things can be really helped if there's SOME metrics (no need to become a robot).

There's a state called Flow. If you keep tracking yourself and your activities all the time, you'll be too focused on the tracking part and never enter the state of flow

Ironically, flow research studies experts who have tracked and honed their performance enough to become second-nature! Not just people who threw away systematic approaches.

Use fitness trackers and gadgets, but don't be a slave to them.

That's easy to say, but your descriptions of tracking seem totally unrelated to how people actually use tracking — counting trees in a forest, tracking only to 'share running stats with friends,' tracking when to breathe. None of your examples addressed how people actually use tracking, and then you ended your piece saying 'Use fitness trackers and gadgets' while avoiding the extremity which is all you seemed to mention.

/r/Meditation Thread