Sexual violence in Game of Thrones – Is the criticism warranted?

I love Game of Thrones, but I also think criticism of the show's sexual violence is definitely warranted. It wouldn't bother me if the show just featured a lot of sex and nudity. It's something we expect from pay cable shows, and it can add a level of realism to the story if done properly.

The way the show depicts things like rape and castration, however, feels excessively exploitative. Like, they've gone to that well just a bit too much under the guise of "gritty realism," rather than finding more creative ways to establish the same tension.

Honestly, I find myself more annoyed with the way the show handles castration. I hated the way they focused on Theon's transformation into Reek while minimizing more important story lines. At times, it's like they only keep Grey Worm around to work a few eunuch jokes into the episode. It feels less like the product of a storyteller trying to blow our minds, more like something from a middle school boy who can't get past the concept of someone losing their dick.

Don't get me wrong: nothing's going to stop me from watching the next season. I just hope future showrunners find a classier way to be "gritty."

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