Shattering Your Player's Trust: An Update

Good job dude. Playing with your player's trust is the best until they probably decide to never let you dm again.

After my session today I don't think my players will ever trust me. It is out last session of the campaign and...


The party made a contract with a demon to get rid of a powerful magical coin capable of mass teleportation. It could summon things against their will from far away, take you to different planes and heck even summon different planes partially. So a chunk of the abyss could come raining down on lets say a massive industrial center causing mass chaos and havoc.

However, the demon has a contract with the God of Death for his own personal gain. Anyway this contract involves no loose ends for anyone that helps the demon. So the party is going to be eventually sent to Hell by the demon after their contract is over. They will then either die of old age and have their souls consumed by demons leaving no witnesses to the god of death interfering indirectly in the mortal world or they will die by demonic hands and have their souls eaten regardless.

/r/DnD Thread