Shelter forcibly converted children to Christianity, raided by police Emmanuel Group in India. Busted by police.Children hung from wrists ,starved and beaten for failing to recite Bible passages post conversion

Here's the thing. I'm Indian and I'm Catholic. The Catholic Church and other Churches exist in India. It's been around for a really long time with St. Thomas the apostle being among the first people to bring it to the shores of India. I cannot even trace my family lineage all the way back to when they probably converted to Christianity.

The smaller denominations that exist in the west for some reason either are ignorant about these facts or just completely seem to want to ignore the existence of Christianity in India and end up going into rural areas and trying to convert villagers and vulnerable tribals. People around the world may not know this but these "conversions" lead to major problems for the existing Christian community in India. Being the largest and probably most formal existence of Christianity in India, even though these other evangelical missionaries come and try to interfere with the gullible villagers and tribals, its perceived that the Catholic Church is conducting these conversions. As a result, there are multiple occasions where Catholic Churches in India are attacked and as a Catholic, its just painful sometimes to see a statue of Mother Mary or the Crucifix shattered to pieces on the floor.

Now, being a Christian, I do not want to throw the other evangelical Christians under the bus and say that they are evil or something as (I hope) that they are doing what they are doing with a pure heart (I'm not going to talk about the news article - nothing pure there). But what I do hope that they understand is that for all future considerations, that when they do decide to go out to evangelize in countries that "haven't heard the word" to at least do a little research and to check the political sensitivity of the country to religion and conversions.

The current Indian government is pro Hindu and in the past couple of years there was even a 'Ghar Wapsi'( movement which was initiated to bring non-Hindus back home and essentially convert people back to Hinduism. The polarization of religion the politics of a country like India is strong. You cannot come here and start converting without causing a domino effect that leads to innocent people getting attacked instead. We Christians live here in harmony and let our good deeds do the talking. You coming here and spreading of the word is just ignorant. And when we are attacked, it is perceived that Christians are being persecuted.

This story will go down forever now. I will not be surprised if Churches will start being attacked. Churches that have existed for years in peace and harmony will now just be targets.

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