Why should I believe in Christianity?

The Bible is full of lessons of hardship and trials. Life isn’t easy and not every Christian is rich. I’ve had my days full of satan and thought my life was great. I doubted God and Christianity. I was going thru a very tough time for me. So I decided to pray. I was raised in the Church and knew about God, I just didn’t know God. So I got to know him. My life hasn’t been the same. I found a wonderful wife that helps me raise my 3 boys. To me, it’s all about believing in the best of things. Believing that there is an after life. A place for me and my family to live together for eternity. That can’t happen without believing that Jesus is your Lord and savior. Hell is about separation. It’s way more scary to think that I may burn in hell for eternity for not believing. So I’m truly a God fearing man. He is wonderful and what He has laid out for our eternity. I’ve found a wonderful preacher that teaches everyone to be a Christian. Help everyone that you can. Bless someone’s life, even in the smallest ways. He said that if a gay couple were to walk in sit down, we would welcome them into our family with open arms. He went on to say that they are still loved by God and we should do the same and allow Jesus to enter their life and let them see what they are doing wrong for theirselves. It’s not our place to judge. It’s hard for me to think of any other way. Why wouldn’t I strive to be like Jesus? To treat my wife, family, friends, and anyone that crosses my path with utmost dignity and respect. The Lord has helped me become a better father to my boys and a better husband to my wife as well as a respectful employer. I believe in God and the power that he possess. I will pray that you find your own path and comforts in life.

/r/Christianity Thread