I'm angry, filled with hate and rage at my existence and the people who have gone before me - how do I find a way out?

I can only do my best here as an ordinary yet psychologically active individual. I wish I could I help everyone here but I can’t, so please take my words with precaution and benefit.

The past is not definitive, death is part of the cycle of life and completely rational. The mind is the most under researched and destructive entity of life. All irrational thoughts must be combatted with acceptance and actualisation. Society does not wish for people to feel excluded and overwhelmed yet it happens in too many people.

The secret to life is purpose. If you can’t think of one now, at least give yourself the time and mercy to think of one. Everyone has deep and content memories locked in their past, focus on them deeply. What is it that brings you joy? How did your brother inspire you? How can you continue his legacy in others? Don’t be afraid to think deeper than what knocks you down on the surface.

/r/depression Thread