Should we kill OLD and turn to matchmakers?

Matchmakers do exist now, to varying price degrees but usually at least a few hundred dollars.

I've debated using them for the same reasons - I can provide a list of things I'm looking for in a partner, and they can do the sorting work for me. But upon reading the experiences of other people, it seems that some matchmakers don't actually take stock on your preferences and just throw you on a date and that date counts as part of your date package, even if there's a huge glaring difference in what you are looking for versus what they presented you with (example: you want to date only vegetarians and the matchmaker set you up with a meat-eater).

Based on that, I didn't want to risk spending the money. If you have a large amount of expendable income, maybe it'd be worth it. But, I've decided to ditch the apps and just hope that this pandemic has made a lot of people re-evaluate what they want in life, and that maybe some really awesome single people are going to be out there trying new things and looking to meet new people and maybe I'll click with one naturally, without apps and without a matchmaker.

/r/datingoverthirty Thread